Legal Notice

This website is the property of TECHNIQUES TOPO whose head office is located at 10 rue Mercoeur, 75011 Paris, France.

Publication management is provided by Claire PIERRAT under the authority of the Board of Directors of the Company.

Web hosting is provided by Syspark.

This website was designed and developed by the digital agency Oonops.

Terms of service

Intellectual Property and Right of Use

The content of this site is protected under literary and artistic property, the Bern Convention and the Code of Intellectual Property, Book I. All reproduction, other than for private use by the User of the site in view in particular to public dissemination by any means is prohibited without the prior written consent of the Webmaster.

Any representation, modification, publication, transmission, total or partial denaturation of the site or its contents by any means whatsoever and on any medium whatsoever is prohibited. Any unauthorized use of the website or its contents, the information disclosed therein engage the liability of the User and constitutes an infringement punishable by articles L 335-2 of the Code of Intellectual Property. The same set of databases, if applicable, on the website of the Publisher are protected by the provisions of the Act of 1 July 1998 transposing into the Intellectual Property Code the European Directive 11 March 1996 on the legal protection of databases. As such, any reproduction or extraction engages the liability of the User.

The trademarks of the Publisher and all logos appearing on the site are protected. Any reproduction or representation either total or partial of these marks or logos, alone or integrated with other elements without the express prior permission of the Publisher is prohibited and engage the liability of the User as defined in Articles L 713 -2 and L 713-3 of the Code of Intellectual Property.

Under penalty of civil and/or criminal liability, the User agrees to not use the Publisher's website to:

  • Transmit by any means whatsoever (e-mail or otherwise), any content including programs, codes, viruses etc., intended to destroy or limit the functionality of the website of the Publisher.
  • Transmit by any means whatsoever (e-mail or otherwise) in interactive services offered on the website of the Publisher, any messages illicit or harmful, including offensive, insulting character content, defamatory, derogatory, degrading, racist, xenophobic, sexist, pornographic, threatening, or that could incite hatred or harassment and that would violate the right to respect in private life or in connection with the proposed themes.
  • Transmit by any means any content that violates the rights of intellectual and industrial property, the rights of the person, etc. The Publisher reserves the right, in its interactive services, to remove immediately and without prior notice, any content of any nature whatsoever, including any message, text, image graphics etc. which contravene the laws and regulations including the regulations described above. In the event that a user wishes to use the website content (text, images etc.), the User agrees to require the prior written consent of the Publisher by emailing the Webmaster at the following address:

Governing Law

These general conditions are subject to French law. The original language of these terms is French, translated to English. In case of litigation, French courts will have jurisdiction. The Publisher reserves the right to change and update at any time access to the website and these terms and conditions. These modifications and updates apply to the User, who must therefore refer back to this section regularly to check the terms and conditions in force.

Information Provided on the Website

The documents and information that the Publisher distributes on this website is subject to numerous proofreading; however, they may contain errors. Should you find any please let us know by contacting the Webmaster of this site, so that the necessary corrections can be made. The information provided on this website are for reference only, they are not binding and do not engage the responsibility of the Publisher. They may be changed or updated without notice. The Publisher also reserves the right at any time and without notice make improvements and/or changes to the website.

The publisher shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential damages arising from access to or use of this site or any damage or viruses that may infect your computer or other hardware of the User. More generally, the Publisher makes no warranty, express or implied, concerning all or part of the site.

Respecting Computing Regulations and Users' Freedoms

The User must, in relation to personal data accessed, abstain from any data collection, fraudulent use and, in general, any act likely to infringe the privacy or reputation of people.

Exercise of Access Rights of Correction and Opposition to be Included in Data Processing

Users of the site are informed that: in compliance with law n ° 78-17 of 6 January 1978 (as amended by Law No. 2004-801 of August 6, 2004) and its implementing Decree No. 2005- 1309 of 20 October 2005 (as amended by decree No. 2007-451 of 25 March 2007), are entitled to access, rectify and oppose any nominative data pertaining. For any question, please send an email to the Webmaster.

Hypertext links

The hypertext links set up within this site to other internet sites have been the subject of a prior express permission. However, the Publisher is not the Publisher of these sites and therefore cannot control its content. Accordingly, the Publisher shall in no event be liable for the content of external websites, or any collection and transmission of personal data, installation of cookies or any other method for the same purpose made by these sites. Users of the website may not under any circumstances install a hypertext link on the site without the previous written authorization of the Publisher. Any request for this purpose should be directed to the Webmaster.